For we live by faith, not by sight.
— 2 Corinthians 5:7

Since learning that Presley was blind shortly after she was born, we have been overwhelmed with all the love and support and know her cheering section runs far and wide. I've created this blog as a way for others to follow along as we embark on this new journey. It will be real and full of all the emotions: the good and the bad. Sharing something so precious is scary. Having always been a private person, I have this natural instinct to want to protect her from the outside world, but she is teaching me to be vulnerable (and she is too stinkin adorable to keep to myself).

Today, appearances are everything. We spend more time trying to make our lives appear perfect for social media than actually enjoying the moment for what it is. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge sucker for social media--I even made it my career at Southwest Airlines before retiring (hah) to be a stay-at-home-mom. From the outsider's perspective, I've lived the "perfect life." Sure, I've had struggles and heartbreak, but I've grown up having it all by society standards. Exposing your heart, the good times and bad, and embracing the unexpected are what make us human and relatable. While I would do anything to give Presley sight, she has already changed us for the better, and Michael and I feel like now is our chance to really start living for something bigger than ourselves.

One thing I've learned from this experience is that a diagnosis like this will try and steal your happiness. I refuse to let that happen. We have a choice in how we respond to life's challenges, and I choose joy. Presley deserves joy. She is already amazing us every day, and we will give her all the tools she needs to set her up for success. Here's to crying, learning, growing, and celebrating together. We are so happy to have you along for the ride. 
