August 26, 2016


At 3am on Friday, August 26, I woke up to my water breaking. I excitedly woke Michael up: Michael, Michael, Michael (he's one hard sleeper) my water just broke!! He then jumped up like the house was on fire. No way, what do we do now!? Me: I don't know! Let me go get my packet from downstairs. Real life people. I only had 10 months + 1 week, thanks Pres, to prepare for this moment but there we found ourselves staring clueless at each other. If your water breaks girls, you call your doctor and go to the hospital.

When we got to Baylor, I wasn't having any contractions so they had me walk around for a couple hours to try and get them going. By 7am the contractions were in full force. I got my epidural (praise Him) around 10am and was ready to push around 12:30pm. While everyone was preparing and talking so casually (this is their day job after all), we were sitting there giddy and crying. We were about to finally meet this little human that we created, and we were beyond excited. We prayed together and then around 1:30pm my doctor came in. After only twenty minutes of pushing, Presley Lynn Halbert entered the world weighing 7lbs 1oz, 21 inches long. Our lives had just changed forever in the best way possible.

Those that know Michael know he is extremely sweet and sentimental. The nurses could not get over how adorable he was. He was just sobbing staring at Presley with the biggest grin on his face. Presley sure hit the jackpot with him as her dad. Michael has always been one of those guys that has been terrified of newborns. He never wanted to hold them for fear that he would "break them." That fear left him the second he saw his little girl. He could not and still cannot get enough of her. #daddysgirl

Presley Lynn, you are the best thing that has ever happened to us, and we love you more than words can express. 

