
Two years old. 


When I sit here and think about the last two years, I am in awe of how much my family has changed. I am in awe of who we've become. Two years of absolute, unconditional love for the tiny human who changed our lives. 

She is spunky and loving, demanding and opinionated. She loves to sing songs, go on car rides, swing on her swing, jump, and make “silly noises.” She started pre-school twice a week for three hours this month and talks about it all the time. Hearing her talk about her teachers, friends, and activities at school will melt your heart. She continues to amaze us with how easily she picks things up and adapts. She doesn't know yet that she's unique, but I hope she learns to love it when she realizes how rare she is. I hope she knows that different isn't scary and the features of your frame are nothing compared to the contents of your heart.

Happy 2nd birthday to our sweet P! You are loved more than you could ever know.